You probably think that you know your customers quite well, especially if you have been transacting with them for a long time. But whilst you may think you know your customers, you may have different results when you ask them about how they see your company. 
This is why customer surveys have a big role to play – they help you understand your customers better, and they help you engage your customers in a different way. They can also help you determine whether certain elements of your business, such as your website, are really as effective as you want them to be.  
If you are thinking of sending out a customer survey to see whether your site is working well, your customers are satisfied, and your marketing efforts are working, here are the top questions you should ask: 

Questions to determine customer satisfaction 

When you create a customer survey, you can effectively measure how efficient and effective your customer service really is, and you can make changes accordingly if your customer service needs improvement.  
Here are the kinds of questions you should be asking to get a clearer idea from your customers: 
Rate the service you have received from 1 – 10 
How clearly did our representative communicate with you? 
How friendly was our representative? 
Was our representative able to resolve the issue? 
Was your issue addressed and resolved as quickly as possible? 
How many of our representatives helped you today? 
Did our representative have proper knowledge about the product/policies/company? 
Did our representative help you feel that you are valued as a client/customer? 
Give a rating from 1 – 10 of how the company handled your problem overall 

Questions to determine user experience on your website 

When it comes to your website, customer satisfaction is king. Your site is your online portal to the world after all, and it serves as your company’s representative. If you want the site to be truly effective, you need to know what customers think when they visit it, and this is something we can help you with as Bristol web design specialists.  
Through a survey, you can find out how user-friendly your site is and what features customers often use. This will also help you determine which features you can remove, or which features you can add. 
We recommend questions along the following lines: 
Rate your experience using our website from 1 – 10 
Using a rating of 1 – 10, was it easy to find the information you were looking for on the site? 
Was the website quick and did it load in an efficient manner? 
On a rating of 1 – 10, how easy was it to use the website/feature? 
Why did you visit our website? 
Which of the website’s features are the most useful to you? 
Was our website attractive and pleasing to the eye? 
Using a scale of 1 – 10, rate your satisfaction level regarding our options on the website 

Questions to determine the usefulness of marketing efforts and strategies: 

You should also try to find out how useful your marketing efforts and strategies are, especially if you are investing a lot in digital marketing. Find out how your customers are learning about your company and the platforms they use to interact with it. 
The following questions should help you find out this information: 
How and where did you find out about our company? 
Which products or services are you most interested in? 
Are you following our company on any social media platforms? If yes, which ones? 
Do you subscribe to our newsletter? 
Do you find our blog interesting? 
What kind of communication channels would you like us to use? 
What can we concentrate on to improve and enhance your experience with our company? 
With a proper customer survey, you can learn more about what your customers think and experience when they transact with your company, whether it’s through your website, a representative, social media, and so on. You can then find out what works and what doesn’t and be more aware of what your customers really need and expect. 

Acting on the results 

Once you have the results of your survey, it is time to update your website to reflect your visitors' feedback - be that updating your blog or adding more information about what you do with a services page or a portfolio page, for example. 
If you are looking for a new, professionally designed website to apply your newfound customer knowledge to, we'd love to help. Get in touch with the it'seeze Web Design Bristol team today to find out more about our affordable website design services. 
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